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Here are some other great joke, humour and other types of sites that we are sure you will enjoy ... guaranteed to bring a smile to your face.

 Angry Simon - have a good laugh at the expense of American Idol's Simon Cowell.

Wondering what was the original source of the Swine Flu outbreak? Check out these and other hilarious medical jokes at the health / medical jokes & humor website.

April Fools Day comes but once and year, and when it does you should be sure to be ready with your crazy/cool April Fools jokes & pranks. Catch your friends before they catch you!

Every four years the Olympics comes around, and despite the seriousness and competitiveness of the weeks of sporting events, there are always some cool Olympic jokes to boot.

Banking and Mastercard jokes as per the hilarious series of ads that Mastercard has run successfully for several years.

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